Tobias Spichtig
born 1982 in Sempach (CH), lives and works in Berlin (DE)
- Tobias Spichtig thinks of the ingredients in his work as material, like the stand-up comedian who also describes his repertoire as his “material”.
- Spichtig’s paintings incorporate deadpan internet pictures, heat-pressed onto a canvas, before the remaining space – the background – is filled in.
- His exhibitions are cluttered. Rooms are filled with domestic materials, such as mattresses, fridges, and kitchen tables, denying access to the painted works, which are forced into the background of a seemingly staged set.
- A third dimension to Spichtig’s practice are his “ghost figures” – languid mannequins, dressed in contemporary fashion and covered in hardened epoxy resin.
- The sum of these scenes seems to comment on the leisure economy, notions of coolness in youth culture and the theatricality of passing fashions. These works reveal fragile, short-lived peaks – the moments of before and after, when authenticity fades into empty, ephemeral symbols and codes that land on the trash pile of culture.
Galerie Bernhard, Zürich (CH)
- 2008, Zürcher Hochschulde der Künste, ZHdK (CH)
Selected exhibitions
- 2022, Die Matratzen, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin (DE)
- 2021, Good OK Great Fantastic Perfect Grand Thank You, Swiss Institute, New York (USA)
- 2020, Hi is just another word for hello, Spazio Maiocchi, Milan (IT)
- 2019, Love and Die, CAC Synagogue de Delme, Delme (FR) Ich weiss leider nicht, wie ich all das erklären soll, Museum Folkwang, Essen (DE)

Tobias Spichtig Nice one, 2022 Oil and vinyl print on canvas 190 x 145 cm